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Hey, Hi, Hello!

Ah! We’re finally here! Thank you so much to everyone who sent unconditional encouragement and matched my excitement – I suspect a small percentage of you will live to regret that…


Hey, 2019 called, it wants its blog posts back.


No, I know, I hear it, too.


If you’re an OG reader and you’ve been with me since the Bridget Problems days, you’ll know I’ve tried my hand at this many a time before. Why is this time any different, I hear you ask? Well, little readers of mine, I’ve quit my teaching job to pursue writing full time (potentially in the throes of a midlife crisis, but it’s all material at the end of the day - right?!).


I’ve waffled on and on about wanting to write a book – wanting to be a writer in general, really. In 2021, I finished writing the first draft of my novel and, while truly terrible quality, it’s being dissected and I’m tackling it for a second draft.  I’m also studying to be a journalist and, as an ex-teacher I feel like I can say this with extreme passion, homework sucks.


These Sunday blogs are anecdotal humour – an escape from your life into mine. It’s light-hearted frivolity and designed to be consumed wrapped in a blanket with a mug of your favourite hot beverage, hence, Tea with G*.


So, without further ado, please grab your brew and let’s get to it.


Last weekend, I went to my first gig of the year with a good friend of mine, Conor. We were there for the support artist, Corey Kent, as much as we were there for the main event, Ashley McBryde. We were both v excited and took to a few of the bars in Hammersmith before the gig. We talked about new music we were listening to, discussed when it was appropriate to wear a cowboy hat to a country music gig, sank a few pints and forgot to have any food. It was in one of these bars that it all went horribly wrong.

“Another pint?” Conor asks as we eyeball the queue forming outside the venue.

“Yeah! Shots?” I reply, kind of joking, kind of not.

“Shots!?” We’re no longer joking.

“Yeah! Baby Guinness.” I start to back down and suggest a shot that’s not really a shot.

“They didn’t have baby Guinness so here’s a tequila.”


Here’s the thing. I am no good on tequila. It gets me horribly drunk and I become a total liability. Did I already know that? Yes. Did I do the shot anyway? Of course I did.


I woke the next morning with the all familiar hangxiety sitting as heavily in my stomach as last night’s pizza. There was a big fat blackout spot in my memory which was unfortunately the last third of the gig. Conor filled me in while I sat, head in hands, the feelings of sickness and embarrassment battling for first place.


Here’s what I remember: I remember the tequila, I remember queuing, I remember asking some people where the merch stand was to be told it was directly behind me (it honestly could not have been more obvious), I remember a little lady being cross that we’d stood in front of her, I remember being astounded that the floor sloped up so that the people at the back could still see the stage – genius – I remember the support artist before Corey Kent, I kind of remember Corey Kent, I vaguely remember some of Ashley McBryde. I do not remember leaving.


It's worth noting that I’m pretty sure Ashley McBryde hasn’t been to the UK since 2019. I last saw her in 2018 at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. I set alarms to make sure I was up and ready to get these tickets - I bought two without even knowing who would come with me, I just knew I was going no matter what. Her song Bible and a .44 continues to be one of my favourite songs – just gets ya right in the feels every time.


And I don’t remember the gig.


As my 4 year old niece would say – what a silly goose.


HOWEVER. ‘Tis not all doom and gloom. Corey Kent did a bonus after show which, after drinking pints of water and asking, repeatedly, what we were doing there, I do remember seeing. And loving. And he played one of my favourites – Somethings Gonna Kill Me – so all was not lost.


I also remember going to the loo and was so so so certain I’d gone into the ladies but came out of the cubicle surrounded by men. Had I been more sober, I might have felt more inclined to ‘network’ but, when faced with the embarrassment of accidentally being in the wrong toilets (different to intentionally being in the wrong toilets, let me assure you) I kept my head down, washed my hands whilst trying to disappear into the basin, found the door – yes, found – and relayed my horror to Conor who kindly pointed out that the toilets were unisex.


AND THEN we got to meet Corey Kent. Conor gave him the casual hand slap back pat thing that boys do and talked about a gig we’d seen him at last year whereas I turned into a pathetic little blob and mumbled something about him being good at singing. Unfortunately, I also remember him looking at me like ‘…thanks’. I wish I could blame that on the tequila but that’s just my horribly awkward personality. Just like when I met Tennille Townes with my brother at a festival last year and asked her to sign my phone case (which was wipe clean so lasted all of 3 minutes) and said thank you approximately 8795 times. That’s it. That’s all I said.

Luckily, I retained the ability to use my phone throughout the entire gig so have many videos to look back on fondly.

Have I learnt my lesson? Hard to say, I’ll let you know after the next gig in Feb.

Any suggestions of what to say to famous people when you meet them would be greatly appreciated



Two of my favourite things in life are books and music. I’ll therefore sign off each week with something I’m reading and something I’m listening to. 98% of what I listen to is Country but I promise it’s not all about Jesus and tractors. They sing about whiskey and heartbreak, too.


What I’m reading: JoJo Moyes – Someone Else’s Shoes

A story of friendships, self-acceptance and solidarity amongst women. It’s light, it’s funny and as good as anything else she’s written.


What I’m listening to: Megan Moroney – No Caller ID

Just listen to it.


I think that’ll probably do for the first one.

Enjoy your tea,




Just a girl, standing next to a singer, unable to form full sentences

*It doesn’t have to be tea. Other hot and cold drinks are welcome.




Jan 28

Brilliant. And sooo you. Keep it coming. Loving the unisex toilets🤣


Jan 28

Forgot to actually drink my tea because I was too busy laughing 😂 love it!

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